Pest Control in Stoke On Trent, Cheshire and Staffordshire? Get in touch today,
07944 231202

AEM Pest Control

General Flying and Crawling Insects

Pest Control Stoke On Trent. General Flying and Crawling Insects

House flies are mildly annoying in small numbers but a large infestation is often an indication of another problem, we will treat your fly issue and locate the source of the infestation in order that it does not reoccur. 

Ladybirds have become an issue for householders in recent years, these creatures when present in large numbers are actually the invasive Harlequin species.

The Harlequin does our native ladybird no favours at all and an infestation can be quite unnerving as they do tend to congregate in large numbers often covering entire walls and doorways.

An ultra low volume space treatment will ensure the problem is quickly resolved.

Silverfish are hardly the most fearsome pest species but they should not be underestimated, they can cause damage to wall coverings and other household textiles and along with many other crawling insects can contaminate foodstuffs.

Cracks and crevices are treated with an insecticide to rid your property of this creature.

Do you have a pest problem? Simply fill in the short form below or call 07944 231202

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Discounts are available for the elderly and vulnerable.

Based in Stoke On Trent...

... and covering a 25 mile radius.

AEM Pest Control are at your service providing discreet, affordable, rapid and effective pest control for both residential and commercial premises. Contact us today to discuss your issue and how we can provide a solution.

AEM Pest Control Operating Map.  Stoke On Trent and Surrounding Areas
Pest Control Stoke On Trent and Staffordshire
Pest Control Stoke On Trent and Staffordshire